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Featured Publications
Ikematsu, S., Umase, T., Shinozaki, M., Nakayama, S., Noguchi, F., Sakamoto, T., Hou, H., Gohari, G., *Kimura, S., and *Torii, K.U. (2023) Rewiring of hormone and light response pathways underlies the inhibition of stomatal development in an amphibious plant Rorippa aquatica underwater. Current Biology 33: 543-556
Chen, L., Cochran, A.M., Waite, J.M., Shirasu, K., Bemis, S.M., and *Torii, K.U. (2023) Direct attenuation of Arabidopsis ERECTA signalling by a pair of U-box E3 ligases. Nature Plants 9: 112-127
Kim, E.D., Dorrity, M.W., Fitzgerald, B.A., Seo, H., Sepuru, K.M., Queitsch, C., Mitsuda, N., Han, S.K., and *Torii, K.U. (2022) Dynamic chromatin accessibility deploys heterotypic cis/trans-acting factors driving stomatal cell-fate commitment. Nature Plants 8: 1453-1466
Han, S.K., Herrmann, A., Yang, J., Iwasaki, R., Sakamoto, T., Desvoyes, B., Kimura, S., Gutierrez, C., Kim, E.D., and *Torii, K.U. (2022) Deceleration of the cell cycle underpins a switch from proliferative to terminal divisions in plant stomatal lineage. Developmental Cell 57: 569-582
Seo, H., Sepuru, K.M., Putarjunan, A., Aguirre, L., Burrows, B.A., and *Torii, K.U. (2022) Intragenic suppressors unravel the role of the SCREAM ACT-like domain for bHLH partner selectivity in stomatal development. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119: e217774119
Zuch, D.T., Doyle, S.M., Majda, M., Smith, R.S., *Robert, S., and *Torii, K.U. (2022) Cell biology of the leaf epidermis: Fate specification, morphogenesis, and coordination. Plant Cell 34: 209-227
*Torii, K.U. (2021) Stomatal development in the context of plant epidermis. Annals Bot 128:137-148
Herrmann, A. and *Torii, K.U. (2020) Shouting out loud: Signaling modules in the regulation of stomatal development. Plant Physiology 185: 765-780
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